“Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
“This has been a long road, so it gives me great pleasure to see this company develop and grow. The remarkable team that we’ve got are the team that is going to deliver.”
135km from
Alice Springs
682 construction
workforce & 366
operational workforce
mine life
~4% of the
worlds magnet rare
earths supply
Arafura MD Darryl Cuzzubbo spoke to the AFR’s Brad Thompson about the parallels he sees between the copper and rare earths markets and his strategy for bringing the Nolans Project into production to meet rising demand for ex-China NdPr supply.
#NdPr #RareEarths #NolansProject
Arafura’s March quarter highlights are in.
“We are moving ever closer to becoming one of only three NdPr oxide producers outside of China.” – Darryl Cuzzubbo MD & CEO
#NolansProject #RareEarths #CriticalMinerals #NdPr $ARU $ARU.ax